This week's Fancy Work Wednesday Featured Artist is Jenn of Ichiban Joyas. What she does with polymer clay is truly wonderous and I adore her pieces. I have dabbled with clay and can understand her love of it - it can be very addictive. But I have never been able to do what she can and especially at such a small scale. Read her interview and definately stop by her shop - I know you'll be enchanted, too.
. Tell me a little about you.Q. How did you get started working with polymer clay?
Q. What inspires you?
A. I am inspired by everything. My items are created based on the mood I'm in, a movie I watched, or even a particular favorite song. I have to keep a pen and paper with me at all times just to be able to write down ideas, and boy do I have lists of them!
Q. What has been your experience selling on Etsy?
Q. Outside of your work/Etsy shop, what hobbies and interests do you have?
Please add links to any blogs, FB, Twitter, etc. accounts for Ichiban Joyas
Q. Tell me a little about you.
A. Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm 29 years old. I grew up in San Diego, but I'm never sure where to call my current home. I work in Los Angeles for a public radio station (KJazz 88.1) where I have a crazy 2-month-on 2-month-off schedule based around their fundraisers. It's a fantastic schedule. For almost the last 3 years I've lived in my car (no, really) and get to take off traveling for about 4-5 months out of the year. Colorado, Washington, New Mexico, Northern California, Utah... The road trips have been fantastic and I've also been able to leave the lower 48 for some 1-2 month trips as well. I haven't posted on my website about living in my car (a prius named Edna Lee) for quite a while, but you can find out more about why I love it so much (even without the traveling it's pretty cool) at AYearInACar.com.
Q. How long have you been tatting? Where/from whom did you learn it?
A. I've been tatting for about 8 years now. My grandmother tatted so I knew what it was growing up, but was never able to figure it out. My great-aunt taught me how to crochet when I was little, and in college and friend and I decided to learn how to tat. Unfortunately, we had to teach ourselves from books. It took a couple weeks, but finally we figured out how to do the "flip" of the tatting knot and we were on our way. I've been addicted ever since and haven't touched a crochet hook in years.
Q. How did you get started on Etsy? What made you decide to open your shop?
A. I opened my Etsy shop last year, but didn't start doing much with it until recently. I've been selling my tatting for years and finally decided it was time to set up an online shop. With all the traveling I do, I thought online might be easier to do than a regular farmer's market type gig.
Q. Where do you find your inspiration?
A. I like adapting patterns for new uses. Turning motif patterns into edgings or edgings into bracelets. That sort of thing. I have a tendency to take a pattern and totally take it apart and create every possible variation I can think of before moving on to the next. I've been really excited to see the tatting community on the internet grow and getting inspired by what other people are doing. People always say that tatting is a "lost" or "dying" art, but really that's not true at all. It's still just incredibly young. The basic techniques of tatting weren't invented until the 1820s and many of the patterns today use techniques that are under 100 or even 50 years old. It's really fascinating to be involved in a community so small that I can go to the Spokane Tatting Guild's yearly tatting workshop (shameless plug for them: shuttlebirds.com) and be able to teach next to the people who are literally inventing the future of the craft.
Q. Do you sell anywhere other than Etsy?
A. Just in person as I find people who are interested in what I'm doing. Hoping to do more craft fairs in the next year or so.
Q. What kinds of things do you like to shop for on Etsy?
A. Lately I've focused on finding business-y stuff on Etsy. Business cards, beading supplies (I've been adding more beads to my tatting lately), hand-dyed tatting thread, (LadyShuttleMaker and YarnPlayer create some really beautiful threads)... Non-Snapdragon Lace related, I've been looking around for a nice purse and plan on getting some handmade soap for some presents. I've been giving everyone I know tatting as gifts for the last 8 years. Thought it was time to mix it up a bit. :)
Q. What is your vision for the future of Snapdragon Lace?
A. This is such an interesting question, and I've really been in the middle of trying to decide for myself where I want it to go. I haven't been on Etsy for long so I plan on focusing on that for the rest of the year. I would love to find some shops that are interested in wholesaling my work, and I think that will be my next big step. In the very long term I'd like to spend more of my time doing bigger projects. If I found out tomorrow that'd I'd never be able to sell another piece I'd still be tatting, but I'd be tatting bigger things. :) I've done a (coffee table) tablecloth and am working on two shawls. I have an idea for a skirt and can't wait till I get back to the millenary shop in downtown Los Angeles to pick up a enormous sunhat frame to decorate with lace. I would love to do wedding veils and other ridiculously fancy projects.
Q. Please add links to any blogs, FB, Twitter, etc. accounts for Snapdragon Lace.
A. snapdragonlace.etsy.com
I currently have a facebook give away going on now. When I get to 200 fans (sigh, "likes") I'll be picking a random fan ("liker?") to receive a pair of cuffs of their choice of colors. Additionally, whoever recommended them to Snapdragon Lace ALSO gets a pair of cuffs. And again, my long-neglected website about living in a car is at http://www.ayearinacar.com/
For the month of May, readers of AmiKami's blog get a 25% discount on anything in the store. Just let me know you're a fan of AmiKami in the note to sellers when paying through paypal and I'll refund 25%
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Thank you so much, Jessica, for this wonderful interview and all your support in my tatting endeavours. And extra special appreciation for your promotion of my shop blog (^:^)/ - you are very sweet!
My new Lady's Reticule for your iPod Touch/iPhone/Cellphone was inspired by those handbag patterns of the 19th century. This is the first completed prototype and I played around with different embellishments I had in mind. I am also considering doing a netted version that is lined and features a drawstring closure (more in keeping with the more popular styles back then) and small pouch or pocket for earbuds.
The body of this one was hand crocheted in a dense Tunisian crochet pattern with cotton/acrylic blend yarn.
A hand crocheted flower with a beaded lace center and beaded bottom edging finish it off.
This is only a prototype and not necessarily what my final pieces will look like. So, with continued effort, and any opinions/suggestions you may have, I am hoping to work out different designs and get some of these up on Etsy by June. ❀
My oldest son will be turning 13
Well, we woke up to a mini snowstorm this morning and this is what I drove the kids to school in. I feel like knitting sweaters instead of crocheting light, lacy chokers!
Fortunately, this time of year it doesn't last long and I just know Spring will poke its head back out again soon to chase all this snow away.